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1330 New hampshire Ave NW B-5, Washington DC
License Acupuncturist Dr. Li, after his graduation from department of acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina), Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University (GXTCMU), he has been specialized in pain-management and treatment of pain for patients for over 25 years using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Tuina, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Li has treated various forms of pains including migraine, cervical and lumbar pains, sciatica pain, and pains due to paralysis of extremities (hands and feet), pains due to stroke, and pains due to various cancers by using unique modalities that combine positive or negative charged electrical stimulation/inhibition, Yin/Yang balance theory, and supplement/removing treatment methods. Dr. Li has also successfully treated patients with pollen-allergies by using acupuncture. Dr. Li is competent in using Chinese herbs and formulas, and he understands diagnostic treatments and applications of Western medicine’s anatomy, pathology, and biochemistry.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pain treatment need to note (2) not too much chicken

Pain treatment need to note (2) not too much chicken
In patients with a variety of inflammation, especially when the pain syndrome, chicken, eggs, and He Jitang, is counterproductive effect. No matter the kind of pain the human body, are just a bacteria infection or aseptic inflammation, the lesion parts of their immune function based on its own, gathering a large number of white blood cells, white blood cells in the human body is starting phagocytosis, in its role, the inflammation can be controlled or not serious. However, if the white blood cells have been misappropriated, then the inflammation is not controlled, pain on the will not be controlled. not easy to improve or worsen, chicken protein is a variant protein, in particular, is a relatively specific protein insult, while the bio-chemistry is compared with allogeneic digestion and absorption of protein in the human body had to be consumed off clothes in the leopard white blood cells. chicken high protein content, naturally spent more than white blood cells. but the body's white blood cells smoking is the number of quantitative, and therefore hurts the system of white blood cells from the natural fewer benefits, and its pain syndrome patients there is no way to turn for the better!

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