I would like to share my story of recovering from severe injuries due to a bus accident over 2 years ago, with the help of Dr. Rusong Li. Afterward, the medical diagnosis determined that I had sustained multiple disk ruptures and herniations in my lower back and neck. The severity and location of these injuries would make surgical treatment extremely risky, and I was told that any such attempt would carry a 90 percent chance that I would never feel my legs again. As it was, I was having great difficulty walking even with a walker, because I could not lift my feet, and I was being recommended for a wheelchair. Matters were made worse by the fact that I have hypertension and diabetes, for which I have been receiving treatment for over 25 years. I had been taking 120 units of insulin per day, and even that was insufficient to bring my blood sugar under control. My medical doctor told me that my case was one of the toughest cases of diabetes he had ever tried to manage. I was being given multiple pain medications, including morphine and oxycontin, but I still had considerable residual pain. Besides dealing with the pain, I had persistent joint swelling, tightness in the chest and abdomen, loss of appetite, constipation, frequent insomnia, and no feeling in my toes. If my wife pinched one of them, I could not tell which one she was pinching. I was on total work disability, and those who knew me, such as my pastor and close friends, all thought that I would be gone within a year.
Then, several months ago, my wife heard about Dr. Li through a friend, and in desperation we decided to make the long trip to see what he could do for me. My first acupuncture session with him lasted about 4 hours, and incredibly, at the end of that session I was able to walk down the stairs on my own. Since then, my condition continued to improve. I received treatments from Dr. Li approximately twice a week over the next 2-3 months. At the present time, I can walk normally and have been able to eliminate most of my pain medications, except for a lower dose of oxycontin. I have also been able to bring my glucose under control with half the previous dosage of insulin, and now have full sensation in my toes. This all seems like a miracle to me, which is all the more impressive since my priest feels the same ! I realize that my story may be hard to believe, which is why I am offering to share my contact information and medical records with anyone who is seriously considering acupuncture. I am truly indebted to Dr. Li for his unique expertise, and compassionate manner. I do not want to downplay the importance of traditional Western medicine, since I continue to benefit from it. However if you have reached the limits of what it can do, as I did, I hope that you might take heart from my experience, and seek out an alternative practitioner as kind and effective as Dr. Rusong Li. If you want to contact me, just leave a note on the feedback page of this website, and it will be forwarded to me. I will then be happy to call you or to receive your call.Regards,
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