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1330 New hampshire Ave NW B-5, Washington DC
License Acupuncturist Dr. Li, after his graduation from department of acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina), Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University (GXTCMU), he has been specialized in pain-management and treatment of pain for patients for over 25 years using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Tuina, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Li has treated various forms of pains including migraine, cervical and lumbar pains, sciatica pain, and pains due to paralysis of extremities (hands and feet), pains due to stroke, and pains due to various cancers by using unique modalities that combine positive or negative charged electrical stimulation/inhibition, Yin/Yang balance theory, and supplement/removing treatment methods. Dr. Li has also successfully treated patients with pollen-allergies by using acupuncture. Dr. Li is competent in using Chinese herbs and formulas, and he understands diagnostic treatments and applications of Western medicine’s anatomy, pathology, and biochemistry.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pain treatment need to note (1) harmful to eat too much acid

Not eat something acidic
Harmful to eat too much acid - eating too many sour foods harm, when the body accumulation of excess acid, the body of water can not easily be removed from the body, causing edema and hair loss, hair turning gray and the emergence of black eye, and there are people with visual good, hard of hearing symptoms such as bone calcium deficiency.
Healthy blood is slightly alkaline, and that the blood was bright red, but the acidity in the blood was viscous and the dumb are red, viscous blood which will be blocked blood vessels, causing high blood pressure, stroke and other diseases.
Edema and hair loss, hair turning gray and the emergence of black eye, and there are visually impaired and hard of hearing calcium deficiency bone loss and other symptoms of kidney qi is a traditional Chinese medicine, eating too many sour foods damage kidney qi. Once in the acidic effects of the medicine in Chinese medicine Shibuya is the play the role of income, that is, shrinking the body's capillaries and peripheral blood vessels, and thus back to the heart caused by increased blood volume, thereby increasing blood pressure, while shrinking the body's capillaries, leading to the human body to certain organs or air officer or endocrine gland insufficiency, functional naturally declined, functional disorders and thus, a formal column of diseases starting to appear. In short, the body has too much acid and lead people to premature aging.
Sour foods include - (1) natural acid - lemon, tomatoes (tomatoes), oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, mangoes. (2) artificial acid - vinegar, vinegar concentrate. (3) pickling - sauerkraut, kimchi and so on.

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